A real Pocoyo Toy as a welcome-back-present by Ellen and Thomas.
I guess now it's my turn to start collecting Elli, Sleepy Bird and the other guys.
Thanks so much you guys.
Oh, talk with the prof went good, bachelor starts soon and here some important dates:
(But I gonna take them down in german, cause no one from the states will make it here in time anyway)
Nr 1:
Donnerstag, 1. November
13.15 Uhr bis 14.45 Uhr
Atelier Interface Design, M7, 1. Stock
Teilnehmer: Helms, Ostwald, Nenninger, Landmann, Sieber & Gäste
Nr 2:
Daniels Diplompräsentation
Montag, 5. November
(Ort und zeit demnächst)
Nr 3:
Samstag, 9. November
Kuschelrock Vol. 3 im Falken
(The reunited Spatzen will Softrock the Nissel all over your body)
Back for Good
There we go. Arrived safely in good old Germany, the flight was horrible and the jetlag felt like being drunk without paying for booze - awesome!
Tomorrow I´ll be back in Weimar to start studying and I hope I'll find a good, new, cheap place to stay for the next month and get those messy tons of paperwork done.
It's funny, cause nothing really changed here, you can still smoke at the bars, the beer is good as always (but the bottles are so big - crazy) and the prices for food are just halarious. (i.e. 2 euros for a massive kebap)
But it feels kind of weird being back. Everything is cleaned up, there are no plastic bags flying around, it's amazingly quiet, the air is just sweeeeeet and it's freezin cold, especially at night.
I haven't slept that good in month, but I already start missing a good strong NYC Coffee. The Coffee here is pretty lame.
Anyhoo, there are things that are great here and things that are awesome in NY Citttty.
And I wanna thank everyone who showed me these things again:
Dear Claudia, Gareth, Ben, Yker, Orion, Ryan, Kate, Kitty, Angela, Ruth, Sasha, Alexis, Carlos, Sarah, Arthur, Amilcar, Eli, Daniel, Doug, Stephanie, the whole Venezuela-Crew, all the freelancers that worked at the office, all the sweeeet Kiwis, Maria and Joe from Cafe Capri, everyone I was living with in Williamsburg and all the others I forgot to mention right now - it was great working, hanging out and partying with you. Thanks so much for everything you did for me. For giving me the chance to proove myself at this freakin cool company called Buck. I have learned so much over the last six month, not only about the business but also - and I know it sounds horribly deep - about the whole life-and-myself-thing.
Let's stay in contact - please - and next year we gonna rock the dissel for my shissel pu pissel.
And to say it in the words of Andrew W.K.:
I like New York City, Oh Yeah, New York City!
This picture appeared on the blog earlier I think, but I don't mind. It's just for sentimental reasons and because of the longest summer I ever had in my entire life.
Tomorrow I´ll be back in Weimar to start studying and I hope I'll find a good, new, cheap place to stay for the next month and get those messy tons of paperwork done.
It's funny, cause nothing really changed here, you can still smoke at the bars, the beer is good as always (but the bottles are so big - crazy) and the prices for food are just halarious. (i.e. 2 euros for a massive kebap)
But it feels kind of weird being back. Everything is cleaned up, there are no plastic bags flying around, it's amazingly quiet, the air is just sweeeeeet and it's freezin cold, especially at night.
I haven't slept that good in month, but I already start missing a good strong NYC Coffee. The Coffee here is pretty lame.
Anyhoo, there are things that are great here and things that are awesome in NY Citttty.
And I wanna thank everyone who showed me these things again:
Dear Claudia, Gareth, Ben, Yker, Orion, Ryan, Kate, Kitty, Angela, Ruth, Sasha, Alexis, Carlos, Sarah, Arthur, Amilcar, Eli, Daniel, Doug, Stephanie, the whole Venezuela-Crew, all the freelancers that worked at the office, all the sweeeet Kiwis, Maria and Joe from Cafe Capri, everyone I was living with in Williamsburg and all the others I forgot to mention right now - it was great working, hanging out and partying with you. Thanks so much for everything you did for me. For giving me the chance to proove myself at this freakin cool company called Buck. I have learned so much over the last six month, not only about the business but also - and I know it sounds horribly deep - about the whole life-and-myself-thing.
Let's stay in contact - please - and next year we gonna rock the dissel for my shissel pu pissel.
And to say it in the words of Andrew W.K.:
I like New York City, Oh Yeah, New York City!
This picture appeared on the blog earlier I think, but I don't mind. It's just for sentimental reasons and because of the longest summer I ever had in my entire life.
T minus 1
Heute pack' ich,
morgen flieg' ich und
Freitag steh ich in Tegel und ess erst mal ne Currywurst auf der Andrea Doria.
Davor wird noch mal zum Frisör gegangen, Fingernägel rasiert, Bart (?) geschnitten, Freiheitstatue geküßt, U-Bahn gesurft, im East River gebadet und Haende mit den 8 Millionen Einwohnern geschüttelt.
Ladys and Gentlemen,
Gott schütze New York City.
(auch diesmal bitte ich zu beachten, die finale Evaluation der letzten 6 Monate erscheint demnächst hier bilingual im Editors Cut, aber erst Kulturschock in Europa, dann Verarbeiterei)
morgen flieg' ich und
Freitag steh ich in Tegel und ess erst mal ne Currywurst auf der Andrea Doria.
Davor wird noch mal zum Frisör gegangen, Fingernägel rasiert, Bart (?) geschnitten, Freiheitstatue geküßt, U-Bahn gesurft, im East River gebadet und Haende mit den 8 Millionen Einwohnern geschüttelt.
Ladys and Gentlemen,
Gott schütze New York City.
(auch diesmal bitte ich zu beachten, die finale Evaluation der letzten 6 Monate erscheint demnächst hier bilingual im Editors Cut, aber erst Kulturschock in Europa, dann Verarbeiterei)
Before you go to a Justice concert you are obviously trying to become as much a hipster as possible. Our friend from New Zealand taught us some serious lessons about being hip and cool at the same time. Of course in Williamsburg, after a fancy gallery opening.
And I think everyone did pretty well. For example Alexus, using the shades for her advantage.
(Please note the Bedford Av sign in the back, that's sooooo Williamsburg)
And we were the last hipsters leaving Brooklyn that night, cause all the others were already at the venue in Manhatten. And I think Ben fell in love with my Bling Bling NYC Necklace. He hesitated giving it back at the end of the night. And I can totally understand him.
And then: Business Time!
Those two guys are freakin Rockstars. No doubt. The Bass was kicking, we cried "D.A.N.C.E." and "because we are your friends..." out loud, shook the booty, smoked illegally inside the building (felt totally like back in the days) and enjoyed the huge soundsystem they built up.
It was sooooooooooo goooooooooood.
no, upps, sorry
Here a link to some nice pictures from that night: klick
After the concert the party went on with Erol Alkan and one of the Justice guys DJing back to back at Studio B in Greenpoint till 5 in the morning and because of that I almost overslept the saying-good-bye-to-the-best-kiwi-ever-(apart-from-
The G-Dissel, der G-Vati, the Garthenator, the incredible G O B left today for a week to Australia and so we had to say good bye for at least half a year.
My dear friend, I had an awesome time with you, thanks so much for your generosity, your jokes, the New York in a Bag present and for all the lovely hours I spent working and hanging out with you. It was a pleasure. Keep up the good work, try to make it a bit conradical (you should know some tricks by now) and stay as you are, don't turn into a hipster slash animator.
And I know the picture looks a bit gay, but it was a very sad good bye hug.
For Gissel!
And by the way, he's saying hi to all my visitors he met here. And hopefully he's coming over to Deutschland next year, so everyone who's interested can make appointments to meet him now.
t minus 6
Nicht mehr mal ne Woche bis zur Rückkehr in das gelobte land aus dem gelobten land. Schon ganz schön abgefasert.
Wie man sich vorstellen kann, ist in der letzten woche eine menge passiert. Wir fangen einfach rückwärts an, da kann ich mich lebhafter erinnern:
gerade ebent: aus dem Kino gekommen, wo wir Nightmare before Christmas in 3D geguckt haben. Alter! Unglaublich. Kam jetzt gerade raus, die Jungs und Mädels bei Disney, Pixar und ILM dürfen nach der Arbeit daran wahrscheinlich keinerlei Hologramme oder ähnliches mehr anschauen, weil sie sonst durchdrehen. Reizüberflutung pur. Aber nicht nur wegen 3D sondern auch wegen der ganzen Charaktere, der astreinen Animation und überhaupt und sowieso.
Less than a week left till I leave the land of hope and glory, pretty crazy though. As You - dear reader - can imagine last week was amazing, no work and stuff, so let's start backwards, that makes it easier for me to remember details:
30 minutes ago we came from the movies, Nightmare bfore X-Mas in 3D. Unbeliveable! The Boys and Girls at Disney, Pixar and ILM aren't allowed to take a look on holograms anymore, cause that would drive them insane. But the whole thing in general was just way to much, all those details, the animation, the characters - and all in 3D. Crazy!
Und der Clou: diese Brillen.
And the best thing: the glasses
Dann hatte unsere geliebte Claudia, die wie eine Mutter zu allen im Büro war, heute ihren letzten Tag bei Buck und strebt nun nach höheren Karrierezielen bei ihrer alten Firman, einem wohlbekannten Kosmetikunternehmen. Das TAJ Team sagt: DANKE FÜR ALLES LIEBE CLAUDIA.
Our dearest Claudia and part time mother for everyone at the office had her last day today at Buck and is going to climb up the career latter now at Estee Lauda, again. The TAJ Team says with a high pitched voice: THANKS SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING BELOVED CLAUDIA.
Die Verabschiedung sollte eigentlich mit Schampoo begossen werden, da es aber gestern abend - ihr glaubt es kaum - feuchtfröhlich zuging, wurde heute Alkoholverbot für alle erteilt.
Das war eine Musikpromoparty mit Sponsoring von Vodka und Kaffee Zeug, da wurden uns tolle Brillen geschenkt und mit denen auf der Nase haben wir uns dann Natalie Portman angeschaut. Die war nämlich auch da. Zuckersüß und - natürlich - kleiner, als man immer dachte. Ta-Da.
The plan was to get buzzed with champagne, but last night was so alcoholic that we put a ban on any more drinking for today. It was a kind of Music-Promo-Party where they gave away free booze and fancy glasses. and with those on the nose we were checking out the Portman Natalie, cause she was there as well. Pretty and - of course - way smaller than you thought.
Dann noch ein Karaoke Massaker, aber auf das wollen wir hier gar nicht näher eingehen. Alles was ich sage: wenn man weder die Texte kennt, noch singen kann, sollte man an dieser Stelle nicht weiter darauf eingehen. Krächtz.
Then a Karaoke-massacre followed, but we won't get into detail here, cause when you don't know the lines nor have a good singing voice you won't get into detail. trust me.
Und ja, ich weiss, ich war schlampig mit all meinen Serien, deshalb hier das ESB (in grün)
And here some new episodes of my beloved series: the ESB (shining green)
Hier das New York Musikvideo:
The New York Musicvideo:
Und gleich noch eins, weil's so schön ist:
And another one straight away:
Und dann arbeite ich jetzt fleissig an meiner Hausarbeit, und da stößt man natürlich auf allerlei schöne Virals, deshalb hier noch ein richtig guter Clip:
And I am working hard on my essay and while research you find funny virals, like this one here:
Wir danken für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und wünschen einen angenehmen Start in den Tag.
Achso, noch was, der Le Train Bleu Film ist jetzt auch feierlich auf www.ostwaldhelgason.com zu sehen.
Thank you very much for your attention, we wish a good start for the day. Oh, almost forgot: the Le Train Bleu Movie can now also be found on www.ostwaldhelgason.com.
Und noch was. Mein aktueller Lieblingsohrwurm, so good: Neon Bible von Arcade Fire mit astreinem interaktiven Musikvideo wo man auf die Hände und das Gesicht klicken kann: Klick
And one last thing: my favourite song right now: Neon Bible by Arcade Fire with an impressive interactive musicvideo where you can klick on the hands and the face while the guy is singing: Klick
Wie man sich vorstellen kann, ist in der letzten woche eine menge passiert. Wir fangen einfach rückwärts an, da kann ich mich lebhafter erinnern:
gerade ebent: aus dem Kino gekommen, wo wir Nightmare before Christmas in 3D geguckt haben. Alter! Unglaublich. Kam jetzt gerade raus, die Jungs und Mädels bei Disney, Pixar und ILM dürfen nach der Arbeit daran wahrscheinlich keinerlei Hologramme oder ähnliches mehr anschauen, weil sie sonst durchdrehen. Reizüberflutung pur. Aber nicht nur wegen 3D sondern auch wegen der ganzen Charaktere, der astreinen Animation und überhaupt und sowieso.
Less than a week left till I leave the land of hope and glory, pretty crazy though. As You - dear reader - can imagine last week was amazing, no work and stuff, so let's start backwards, that makes it easier for me to remember details:
30 minutes ago we came from the movies, Nightmare bfore X-Mas in 3D. Unbeliveable! The Boys and Girls at Disney, Pixar and ILM aren't allowed to take a look on holograms anymore, cause that would drive them insane. But the whole thing in general was just way to much, all those details, the animation, the characters - and all in 3D. Crazy!
Und der Clou: diese Brillen.
And the best thing: the glasses
Dann hatte unsere geliebte Claudia, die wie eine Mutter zu allen im Büro war, heute ihren letzten Tag bei Buck und strebt nun nach höheren Karrierezielen bei ihrer alten Firman, einem wohlbekannten Kosmetikunternehmen. Das TAJ Team sagt: DANKE FÜR ALLES LIEBE CLAUDIA.
Our dearest Claudia and part time mother for everyone at the office had her last day today at Buck and is going to climb up the career latter now at Estee Lauda, again. The TAJ Team says with a high pitched voice: THANKS SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING BELOVED CLAUDIA.
Die Verabschiedung sollte eigentlich mit Schampoo begossen werden, da es aber gestern abend - ihr glaubt es kaum - feuchtfröhlich zuging, wurde heute Alkoholverbot für alle erteilt.
Das war eine Musikpromoparty mit Sponsoring von Vodka und Kaffee Zeug, da wurden uns tolle Brillen geschenkt und mit denen auf der Nase haben wir uns dann Natalie Portman angeschaut. Die war nämlich auch da. Zuckersüß und - natürlich - kleiner, als man immer dachte. Ta-Da.
The plan was to get buzzed with champagne, but last night was so alcoholic that we put a ban on any more drinking for today. It was a kind of Music-Promo-Party where they gave away free booze and fancy glasses. and with those on the nose we were checking out the Portman Natalie, cause she was there as well. Pretty and - of course - way smaller than you thought.
Dann noch ein Karaoke Massaker, aber auf das wollen wir hier gar nicht näher eingehen. Alles was ich sage: wenn man weder die Texte kennt, noch singen kann, sollte man an dieser Stelle nicht weiter darauf eingehen. Krächtz.
Then a Karaoke-massacre followed, but we won't get into detail here, cause when you don't know the lines nor have a good singing voice you won't get into detail. trust me.
Und ja, ich weiss, ich war schlampig mit all meinen Serien, deshalb hier das ESB (in grün)
And here some new episodes of my beloved series: the ESB (shining green)
Hier das New York Musikvideo:
The New York Musicvideo:
Und gleich noch eins, weil's so schön ist:
And another one straight away:
Und dann arbeite ich jetzt fleissig an meiner Hausarbeit, und da stößt man natürlich auf allerlei schöne Virals, deshalb hier noch ein richtig guter Clip:
And I am working hard on my essay and while research you find funny virals, like this one here:
Wir danken für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und wünschen einen angenehmen Start in den Tag.
Achso, noch was, der Le Train Bleu Film ist jetzt auch feierlich auf www.ostwaldhelgason.com zu sehen.
Thank you very much for your attention, we wish a good start for the day. Oh, almost forgot: the Le Train Bleu Movie can now also be found on www.ostwaldhelgason.com.
Und noch was. Mein aktueller Lieblingsohrwurm, so good: Neon Bible von Arcade Fire mit astreinem interaktiven Musikvideo wo man auf die Hände und das Gesicht klicken kann: Klick
And one last thing: my favourite song right now: Neon Bible by Arcade Fire with an impressive interactive musicvideo where you can klick on the hands and the face while the guy is singing: Klick
The ESB from every... Vol. 3
Le Train Bleu
OMG, that took long. But here it is - the new Movie for my sisters and her boyfriends label OSTWALDHELGASON. Rendered 1 hour ago, it is for their current collection Le Train Bleu.
Started working on it like 4 month ago, then there was so much to do at the office that I couldn't find time for it then the After Effects file broke which cost me about 1 month of work and now it's done. I still can't belive it.
Now the only thing that's left to do here is writing an essay about viral marketing and getting a facebook account. Shouldn't be that tricky...
(If anyone is into helping me with the essay: eassay@taj.com - thanks)
6 Layer Fun
Hola, today we start with another awesome invention of the American food industry: ROJO's 6 Layer Dip. The taste is somewhere between pretty disgusting, layery and well - junkfoodish.
If somebody wants to try some: cover _my_nacho_with_6_layers@taj.com
Here you see our friend the Garthenator in a pretty social-critic pose. It wasn't intended to be awesomely deep and meaningful but the longer you look at it, the awesomely deeper and way meaningfuller it gets.
That's the Cake lovely Kitty made me for the big Good Bye Party on Friday. Thanks again so much for that. The boobies were amazing and very very delicious.
And as you can see I choose the right cloth that day before I went to work, to make the cake in my face fit with the colors of my shirt and my jacket.
As you - dear reader - can guess, it was an awesome night. Almost everyone was there at this cosy beer bar in williamsburg, where they even sell Leipziger Gose (bottled), and after a couple of those it got pretty emotional....
Fun in tha Hood.
The Last Day at Buck....for now
I'm not crying.
It's just been raining on my face.
And if I am crying it's because I'm cutting an onion.
I'm making a Lasagna.
The Garthenator made this incredibly awesome invite for the party tonight.
I love him for that.
And everyone else in the office.
Thank you very much, Buck NY.
(dear reader - a full summary of the last six month at the office will appear soon, here on this digital thing no one ever asked for but likes it now quite a bit and byte (i love digital jokes))
It's just been raining on my face.
And if I am crying it's because I'm cutting an onion.
I'm making a Lasagna.
The Garthenator made this incredibly awesome invite for the party tonight.
I love him for that.
And everyone else in the office.
Thank you very much, Buck NY.
(dear reader - a full summary of the last six month at the office will appear soon, here on this digital thing no one ever asked for but likes it now quite a bit and byte (i love digital jokes))
Stacy Hedger
It might not be a new New York Music Video - that's coming soon - but this video here dear reader shows what you end up on TV with, when you push the whole show slash pop culture thing too far.
New York Musicvideos
Dear reader,
from now on I'll try to provide you every day with another New York Musicvideo.
The Series starts with one of the best videos slash songs ever:
Tina Turner - What's love got to do with it
from now on I'll try to provide you every day with another New York Musicvideo.
The Series starts with one of the best videos slash songs ever:
Tina Turner - What's love got to do with it
This modern Dings
Well, actually I can't think about any more titles describing the lustful live here. Sorry. If you - dear reader - could come up with an idea I would be delighted to read it. (titles_and_words_in_general@taj.com).
Here you see three Kiwis, totally knocked down by the rugby world championships quarter final loss of the All Blacks (from New Zealand) against France. The poor guys looked like whole Germany when our soccer team lost the semifinal last year. Indescribable pain for a proud Nation...and a pretty bad start for a party...2 pm to 5 am (any questions?)
It's Business Time!
Auf dem Bild stimmt einfach alles, der Mund, der Teint, der Bart und die Muskeln, die ich nie hatte.
And here we proudly present the three nominees for the weird-party-picture-looking-contest next year in Iowa. My favorite is blond...but don't tell anyone
Aber Spass beiseite. Die letzte Woche bei Buck hat heute angefangen.
Also, ich komm ja wieder, insofern halb so wild, aber trotzdem komisch. So aus der knallharten Arbeitswelt wieder zurueck in das lotterhafte Studentenleben mit trinken und Partys und so...ich weiss ja nicht, ob ich das schaffe.
Aber auf jeden Fall freue ich mich riesig auf Deutschland und all die treuen Leser, die immer so fleissig kommentiert haben. Oder auch nicht. Wenn ihr wollt kann ich dann im Falken eine Monitor-Signier-Stunde abhalten. (einfach r.s.v.p. an schmiererei_aufm_powerbook@taj.com)
Wieso ich das alles schreibe? Weil ich immernoch im Buero sitze, es inzwischen halb elf ist und ich nach hause will, aber auf den renderer aufpassen muss, weil der staendig abschmiert.
Naja, da kommen einem dann halt solche Gedanken.
Jetzt scheint er aber durch zu sein, deshalb guten morgen deutschland und gute nacht amerika. God bless both!
Here you see three Kiwis, totally knocked down by the rugby world championships quarter final loss of the All Blacks (from New Zealand) against France. The poor guys looked like whole Germany when our soccer team lost the semifinal last year. Indescribable pain for a proud Nation...and a pretty bad start for a party...2 pm to 5 am (any questions?)
It's Business Time!
Auf dem Bild stimmt einfach alles, der Mund, der Teint, der Bart und die Muskeln, die ich nie hatte.
And here we proudly present the three nominees for the weird-party-picture-looking-contest next year in Iowa. My favorite is blond...but don't tell anyone
Aber Spass beiseite. Die letzte Woche bei Buck hat heute angefangen.
Also, ich komm ja wieder, insofern halb so wild, aber trotzdem komisch. So aus der knallharten Arbeitswelt wieder zurueck in das lotterhafte Studentenleben mit trinken und Partys und so...ich weiss ja nicht, ob ich das schaffe.
Aber auf jeden Fall freue ich mich riesig auf Deutschland und all die treuen Leser, die immer so fleissig kommentiert haben. Oder auch nicht. Wenn ihr wollt kann ich dann im Falken eine Monitor-Signier-Stunde abhalten. (einfach r.s.v.p. an schmiererei_aufm_powerbook@taj.com)
Wieso ich das alles schreibe? Weil ich immernoch im Buero sitze, es inzwischen halb elf ist und ich nach hause will, aber auf den renderer aufpassen muss, weil der staendig abschmiert.
Naja, da kommen einem dann halt solche Gedanken.
Jetzt scheint er aber durch zu sein, deshalb guten morgen deutschland und gute nacht amerika. God bless both!
Bloc Party and Pictures and Bla Bla Bla
OK, first of all another 'the esb from every angle picture', this time from that small spot in williamsburg right on the east river. As you can see it's doing its job pretty good in terms of skyscraping...ta-da
Awesome Ernies and Berts in Greenpoint, the polish area next to Williamsburg. This photo was actually taken over two weeks ago but it is so damn hilarious that it has to appear here on this digital journal against forgetting.
Oh yeah, Bloc Party playing at Madison Square Garden. They rocked the heck out of it and were all like totally like awesome. But honestly, next time I'll get a ticket for the first row, I can't stand that sitting and watching a rock-band like a theater play or a movie.
Anyhoo, it was really really good when you forget about the trance that the sound guys played during the sound-check before the concert started.
The R2-D2 Mailbox. You are nobody as a mailbox in the states when you are not dressed as a famous character from science fiction movies.
The very important skyline-picture, but I guess you, dear reader, spotted the difference. Yes, this time it was taken from the Jersey side.
And the parents just took off back to Germany, totally impressed and also relaxed after a 10 day all american slash new york experience. I hope they have a good flight and I am really looking forward to sleep in my bed again. But we had a great time and went out for so many dinners, it was insane. The picture above shows the fancy thai-place 'Sea' in williamsburg, where - by the way - the movie 'Garden State' was shot as well. And today we went to the UN for lunch (a must do for everyone visiting NY, I got the phonenumber) and guess what - the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sat right next to us enjoying his Lunch. Awesomeness!
Oh, and the new Sony bravia spot is out now - sooooo gooooood! (and check the city in the back, it might look familiar) KLICK
For shissel da lingo
OK Guys, change of plan, from now on this blog will appear either in german or english. Or both. You - dear reader - do not have a choice.
And guess what? We had an awesome weekend.
I feel like I was writing about awesome weekends only over the last three weeks (well, actually the last five month...but anyhoo) but they have just been - mmmhh - well - actually - you know - pretty awesome!
The Garthenator down here gives a pretty good image of how the vodka massacre started friday night at studio b. It was insane. And his Dancing Moves as well. He must have been inspired by the last Flight of the Conchords Episode considering the way he was jumping and pirouetting around like a...well...kiwi having pretty much fun
But the next day everyone had to pay the bill for that ridiculously fast and heavy abuse of alkoholic beverages. It took me till 7pm to recover and I heard from a reliable source that our dance-mates felt exactly the same. It was terrible. Even the shape of a beer bottle made me feel uncomfortably serious:
But the arrival of Lotte, Lisi and Adrian made - of course, I mean, check that smile - the really nice BBQ at our new Kiwi friends Anna, Matt and Helen even better. And yeah - everyone ended up drinking and massaging each other.
Laid Backness!
The whole TAJ Team whishes Lotte a good flight back to Germany and a great start in Venice and the same for Lisi, who starts an internship in Chicago on Tuesday. Good Luck Girls!
It's supposed to look like I heart NY, but I guess I have to work on my light-writing skills.
And a new series starts today right here called: The Empire State Building from every bloody angle. Honestly, you can see it from everywhere, it's crazy. It's so crazy that I want to share this particular crazy feeling with you - dear TAJ reader. So from now on there's gonna be at least one crazy angle picture of the Empire State Building on every post...
By the way, this picture was taken on Gareth' roof, just like the one underneath with Helen and him looking cool/sexy.
Ruth on Canal Street looking seriuos because of the traffic and her move to New Jersey.
I hope - and I know that I am not the only one - that this move won't cause serious damage to our newly invented hey-it's-the-weekend-let's-hang-out-all-together-and-have-a-killer-
But we all learned an awesome thing about american restaurants. Ruth took us down to that italian place in Jersey to say thanks for helping her move. So we checked the menu, searched for the booze - and here comes the catch - they had no license to sell alkohol there. But we were free to bring our own, so the guys took off to the liquor store and then we had 3 bottles of really good wine for a resonable price and enjoyed the amazing food. Thanks again for that.
God, please bless this country. You know, once in a while...
Oh - what's that? Another differtent angle picture thing of the empire thing. Now that was quick, wasn't it? Word!
And guess what? We had an awesome weekend.
I feel like I was writing about awesome weekends only over the last three weeks (well, actually the last five month...but anyhoo) but they have just been - mmmhh - well - actually - you know - pretty awesome!
The Garthenator down here gives a pretty good image of how the vodka massacre started friday night at studio b. It was insane. And his Dancing Moves as well. He must have been inspired by the last Flight of the Conchords Episode considering the way he was jumping and pirouetting around like a...well...kiwi having pretty much fun
But the next day everyone had to pay the bill for that ridiculously fast and heavy abuse of alkoholic beverages. It took me till 7pm to recover and I heard from a reliable source that our dance-mates felt exactly the same. It was terrible. Even the shape of a beer bottle made me feel uncomfortably serious:
But the arrival of Lotte, Lisi and Adrian made - of course, I mean, check that smile - the really nice BBQ at our new Kiwi friends Anna, Matt and Helen even better. And yeah - everyone ended up drinking and massaging each other.
Laid Backness!
The whole TAJ Team whishes Lotte a good flight back to Germany and a great start in Venice and the same for Lisi, who starts an internship in Chicago on Tuesday. Good Luck Girls!
It's supposed to look like I heart NY, but I guess I have to work on my light-writing skills.
And a new series starts today right here called: The Empire State Building from every bloody angle. Honestly, you can see it from everywhere, it's crazy. It's so crazy that I want to share this particular crazy feeling with you - dear TAJ reader. So from now on there's gonna be at least one crazy angle picture of the Empire State Building on every post...
By the way, this picture was taken on Gareth' roof, just like the one underneath with Helen and him looking cool/sexy.
Ruth on Canal Street looking seriuos because of the traffic and her move to New Jersey.
I hope - and I know that I am not the only one - that this move won't cause serious damage to our newly invented hey-it's-the-weekend-let's-hang-out-all-together-and-have-a-killer-
But we all learned an awesome thing about american restaurants. Ruth took us down to that italian place in Jersey to say thanks for helping her move. So we checked the menu, searched for the booze - and here comes the catch - they had no license to sell alkohol there. But we were free to bring our own, so the guys took off to the liquor store and then we had 3 bottles of really good wine for a resonable price and enjoyed the amazing food. Thanks again for that.
God, please bless this country. You know, once in a while...
Oh - what's that? Another differtent angle picture thing of the empire thing. Now that was quick, wasn't it? Word!
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